Limani Micro Wedding Offer

Terms & Conditions

By entering the ‘Nominate someone that deserves A Limani Micro Wedding Offer’ you are agreeing to the following terms and conditions:

1.1 Information on how to enter forms part of the terms of entry.

2.1 Entry is open to all Victorian residents over the age of 18yrs in Australia who wish to enter into a legal marriage (hereafter ‘eligible entrant’)

3.1 The offer commences on Monday28th June 2021 at 9.00am and concludes on Friday 9 th July 2021 at 5.00pm.
3.2 In order to enter, eligible entrants must provide in 50 words or less to why they think they or their nominee deserves to be selected for a Limani Micro Wedding Offer. Eligible entrants must provide their name, email address, street address (including postcode) and daytime telephone number and the nominated couple’s details. Then follow all suppliers on Instagram indicated (tagged) in the original Instagram offer post on @littlebigvows Instagram page.
3.3 Eligible entrants in the offer may only be entered once.
3.4 Entries must be received by Friday 9th July 2021 at 5.00pm.

4. Offer
4.1 There will be one (1) Micro Wedding Offer. The winner will receive one Limani Micro Wedding Offer, as set out below.
4.2 The Offer consists of: - Venue and Ceremony space (Limani Cafe Wine Bar, 3760 Pt Nepean Rd Portsea) from 4pm – 8.30pm on the 19/08/21 - 30 guests including couple getting married. - Flower arrangements for venue, tables and bouquet for bride and buttonhole for groom (flowers and colours are chosen by little big vows and supplied by Secret Garden on Main, 81 Main St Mornington) - Services of Celebrant (Gail Cremen) to perform legal Ceremony, prepare and lodge all legal paperwork (Notice of Intention to Marry must be completed no later than 30 days prior to 19/08/21) - Tables, chairs, white tablecloths, napkin, plates, glass ware, cutlery.- Photographer "Captured by Sevi" services are for 2 hours (4pm-6pm). Coverage will include ceremony + portraits, up to 100 images will be supplied by photographer via a private online gallery. All photographs taken by Photographer during the event, in whatever form, are copyright protected. Photographer will allow reproduction and publishing for personal use (eg. framed pictures for home display, social media) but any sale or publication for profit without Photographer's express written permission is a violation of federal copyright law. Photographer retains copyright in all images taken at the event. This clause shall survive the term - Wedding coordinator (Louise Cranwell, Little big Vows) to coordinate suppliers on the day - All bar and wait staff on the day from 4pm – 8.30pm. (19/08/21) - Wedding cake styled as ‘naked’ and with themed flowers. Any specific dietary requirements to be advised. - Any other “decorative props” deemed necessary by organiser. - Canapés, Entrée, Main Meal with Naked Wedding Cake as Dessert (food to be supplied and chosen by Limani Cafe Wine Bar, 3760 Pt Nepean Rd, Portsea)
4.3 $2500 is payable by selected recipient of ‘Nominate someone that deserves a Limani Micro Wedding offer’ (couple being legally Married is to pay Little Big Vows (invoice will be emailed) no later than Monday 2nd August 2021, should money not be paid the promoter reserves the right to cancel the Micro Wedding.
4.4 Bar tab option is available at successful recipient’s cost.
4.5 The successful recipient is not required to be present at the time of the draw. The successful recipient will be notified by contact number registered in Nomination within one (1) week of the draw date.
4.6 By participating in the Offer, the recipient agrees to participate and co-operate as required in all editorial activities relating to the Offer. The recipient agrees to grant the promoter a perpetual and non-exclusive licence to use such footage and photographs in all media and social media worldwide and the winners will not be entitled to any fee for such use.
4.7 The offer cannot be transferred or redeemed for cash.

5.1 There will be one (1) recipient chosen from total pool of entries received. Each applicant who has lodged an entry over the duration of the stated period and registered all details required (“Qualifying Applicant”) will be eligible. The recipient will be chosen subject to the criteria set out in clause 3.2.
5.2 The promoter’s decision is final, and the promoter will not enter into any correspondence regarding the result.
5.3 The promoter reserves the right to refuse to allow the successful recipient to take part in any or all aspects of the offer, if the Promoter determines, in their absolute discretion, that a recipient is not in the mental or physical condition necessary to be able to safely participate in the Limani Micro Wedding offer. It is a condition of accepting the offer that the applicant may be required to sign a legal release in a form determined by the promoter in its absolute discretion.

6.1 In the case of the intervention of any outside act, agent or event which prevents or significantly hinders the Promoter’s ability to proceed with the offer on the dates and in the manner described in these terms and conditions, including but not limited to vandalism, power failures, tempests, natural disasters, acts of God, civil unrest, strike, war, act of terrorism, Covid 19, Government declared lockdowns, the Promoter may in its absolute discretion cancel the competition and recommence it from the start under the same conditions.
6.2 Little Big Vows, affiliates, associated agencies (suppliers) and companies will take no responsibility for items damaged or lost in transit, or late, lost, or misdirected mail.
6.3 Little Big Vows and affiliates will not be liable for any misadventure, accident, injury, loss or claim that may occur: a) during the offer; b) while undertaking any activity in or connected with their entry into the offer; c) in the participation in any offer; d) as a consequence of late, lost or misdirected mail; e) due to the publication of any material, including any statements made by any compare, staff member, journalist, other entrants or any other person.